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A closer look at the cancer situation in Kerala points to the fact that two-thirds of cancer cases can be avoided by taking proactive measures to prevent or modify risk factors and facilitate early detection. The Cancer Registry report available in Kerala also reveals that mouth and lung cancer are leading among men and breast , thyroid and cervical cancer among women. The overall objective of the Community Oncology Division of CCRC is to provide knowledge about the detailed risk factors of cancer and thereby create awareness in the community about the benefits of early detection of common cancers.

Our Mission:

Reduce the incidence and mortality of cancer in the state by implementing and supporting cancer prevention and control initiatives.

Outpatient Clinics:

Cancer cases detected are referred to the respective clinics of the management centre. Premalignant (stage before cancer) patients are followed in the division according to the clinical severity of the disease and the findings of the investigation.

a. Oral Cancer Detection Clinic:
People who have habits like tobacco and alcohol and complain of soreness, difficulty in tolerating spicy food, ulcers, growths and white/red spots in the mouth can undergo oral examination at this clinic. If necessary, further investigations such as biopsy procedures will be undertaken.

b. Breast Cancer Detection Clinic:
Patients to this clinic are referred from hospitals or cancer detection camps or individuals may come directly for clinical examination. At this clinic, patients are taught to perform regular breast self-exams in addition to a physical examination by a doctor. Routine monitoring of high-risk individuals is carried out here, and those requiring further investigation are referred when necessary.

c. Cervical Cancer Detection Clinic:
Married women above 30 years of age can attend this clinic for examination of cervix. Routine tests performed at this clinic include VIA (Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid), VILI (Visual Inspection with Lugol’s Iodine) and low-cost procedures like Pap Smear, Colposcopy and Biopsy.

d. Tobacco Cessation Clinic (TCC)
Tobacco addicts can avail the facilities of this clinic where guidance, counseling and nicotine replacement therapy facilities are available to help tobacco users quit their habit. For inquiries about tobacco cessation activities contact – [email protected].

Outreach Programs:

Community empowerment for cancer prevention, early detection and warning signals through awareness programmes mentioned below.

  • Target oriented programs viz. School-based health promotion campaigns and campaigns in remote areas for vulnerable groups such as coastal and tribal communities
  • Media and display campaigns for cancer prevention
  • Professional training programs
  • Trainer-Trainee Programs for Paramedical Staff and Health Workers
  • Tobacco Cessation Counselling
  • Early cancer detection programs
  • Scientific research