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Pathology is a medical specialty that plays a central and indispensable role in the field of oncology. Pathologists are the "doctors' doctors," as they work behind the scenes to provide critical information that guides oncologists and other healthcare professionals in the diagnosis, prognosis, treatment planning, and ongoing management of cancer.

Pathologists assess the grade of a tumor, which indicates how aggressive the cancer is. They also provide staging information that describes the extent and spread of the cancer within the body. This information is essential for oncologists to determine the most appropriate treatment strategy. Pathologists work closely with oncologists and other healthcare providers, contributing to multidisciplinary tumor boards where complex cases are discussed. They help explain the pathology findings and their clinical implications, fostering collaboration among medical teams.

  • Cancer Diagnosis:
  • Tumor Classification and Subtyping:
  • Grading and Staging:
  • Predictive Biomarkers:
  • Monitoring Treatment Response:
  • Immunologic and Molecular Pathology:
  • Prognostic Information:
  • Education and Communication: