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Radiology diagnosis, a key discipline within the field of medical imaging, has revolutionized modern medicine. It is the art and science of using various imaging techniques to visualize the internal structures of the human body, aiding in the diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of medical conditions. From X-rays and CT scans to MRI and ultrasound, radiology plays a crucial role in providing physicians with invaluable insights into their patients’ health.

Radiology Department is a well-equipped department with state-of-the-art technology. CCRC has a fully functional PACS with secure storage in a complete digital environment for all our diagnostic imaging services.


  • Comprehensive review of all imaging studies. For our patients we scan their outside imaging studies and integrate with in house studies on PACS under one unique identity (CR number).
  • X rays (Digital Radiography) and special procedures which are stored on PACS.
  • MRI (3Tesla) with optimized protocols for the best results in oncology.
  • 256 Slice Twin Beam Dual Energy CT Scan, capable of multiphase dynamic scanning and CT Angiography.
  • CT or Ultrasound Guided biopsy / FNAC / pleural and ascites aspirations/catheter drainage and other Interventional procedures.
  • PET CT scans and PET guided biopsies.
  • Color Doppler, Transrectal Ultrasound (TRUS) and prostate biopsy.
  • Full field digital mammography and Digital breast tomosynthesis.
  • Stereotactic Breast Biopsy, FNAC / wire localization of non-palpable lesions in the breast for surgical guidance.
  • Treatment response evaluation assessment (RECIST 1.1),

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